Executive Coaching
Stephens Rickard
Executive Coaching & Retention
Retention of key employees can be a complex challenge. Whether your organisation is underperforming or exceeding expectations you will find your executives are targeted by competitors, and/or unsettled by change.
Retaining such individuals is not simply or even necessarily just a matter of increasing salaries. Anything from the structure of rewards through flexible working practices to sabbaticals, coaching, sponsoring further study and even bespoke compensation deals, encourage loyalty and commitment from the beneficiaries of such incentives.
Hence, alongside Executive Search and through our partnership with APPRECIATIVE, we offer a comprehensive range of services aimed at retaining and training talent, including:
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Organisation Culture
- Therapeutic Services
- Leadership Development
- Team Development
With over 50 years of experience in business, education and consultancy, they are also able to provide support for teams and organisations on a wide range of issues such as conflict management, leadership development cultural change. Drew Paterson BSc (Hons), MA, MA. MCIPD, MBACP
Our Services

Psychometric Assessments
Our Locations